Are You Doing the Most Important Task Right Now?
Great Time Saving Tip Keeps You Focused on the Task at Hand
Austin, Texas: I recently read an article from productivity leader, Peter Bregman, at Harvard Business Review where he discussed the cause of much of our wasted time.
He calls it “productive interruption” – and he says that once per hour, we should set an alarm to ring–and at that time we ask ourselves, “Am I doing what I most need to be doing right now?”
This technique will help keep you focused – as our days get filled with mundane tasks, constant interruptions, a host of other options for our time, etc.
Have you ever reviewed your weekly “To Do” list and found that the most important tasks have not yet been addressed– but the small issues have been?
Well, this technique can help you stay on track and keep your focused.
I am going to set my computer to ring at the “:05″ each hour – and I’ll ask myself: ” Am I doing what I most need to be doing right now?”
How about you?