What is Your Biggest Piece of Unfinished Business Still to Do This Year?
A few weeks into the new year and many of the resolutions we had hoped to start on are still not getting done.
But how about last year’s goal?
Is there one piece of unfinished business left over that you can charge at full force- and complete early this year? If so, what is holding you back?
As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we have a great deal on our plates– but feel of sense of incompleteness when one of our big plans go unchecked and do not get achieved.
Think about the one biggest piece of unfinished business– the one that is on your mind in the shower, in your car, when you lie down to sleep — and get it done.
Just get it done – and move on with the rest of your marketing and business plans for 2012 with a clear mind.
You’ll feel a lot better for doing so.
I just finished mine yesterday. It was like agiant weight was lifted.
How about you?
When will you get your’s done?